My latest shit-list of people who deserve to be shoved into an active volcano. No Country For Old (Rap) Men: The Worst People Associated With Hip-Hop
Category: The Unkut Opinion
That Shit I Don’t Like: Mos Def and Talib Kweli Are Black Star Album
The Rawkus era, so fondly remembered by misty-eyed hip-hop forum regulars as some kind of third golden era, left me largely nonplussed at the time and with the steady passage of time passing us by, many of those records haven’t aged well at all. I was all about Hydra Entertainment and Tru Criminal, personally, but…
No Country For Old (Rap) Men: The Thin Line Between Imitation and Biting
Weighing in on the usual complaints about Action and Droog… No Country For Old (Rap) Men: The Thin Line Between Imitation and Biting
No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Did We Expect Too Much From Hip-Hop?
There’s a lot of talk about what rap should and shouldn’t have done, but why does it having to do anything beyond being great? No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Did We Expect Too Much From Hip-Hop?
The Unkut Opinion: It’s Mostly (Completely) The Voice
There may only be two rapper’s with high pitched voices who I can tolerate – Milk D from Audio 2 and Ad Rock from the Beastie Boys, who also happened to have joined forces to record “Spam,” perhaps the most ear-splitting, obnoxious and completely brilliant rap song of all time. Otherwise, I have little to…
Twenty Rap Albums To Be Buried With
I’ve had a few requests of late to break-down my list of personal favorite rap albums, so to set off this tenth anniversary week of Unkut Dot Com, here are the twenty tapes I’d like to be buried with, or take to a desert island with a crate of AA batteries for the Walkman.
Timeless Classics Or Only Classics For Their Time?
Every now and then, one of these rap websites puts together a list along the lines of “The 30 Greatest Hip-Hop Albums of 1993” and such, which in theory isn’t something I should have an issue with. The reason I mention it is that a decent proportion of these albums – most of which are…
No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Let Unkut Down
That shit I don’t like. No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Let Unkut Down
The Unkut Top Five Dead Or Alive, As Of This Week
These things change from day to day, but here are my current picks. Discuss among yourselves…
The Guy Who Called Critical Beatdown ‘Mediocre’ Finally Fires Back
Back in August I called out a guy named Aaron over his series over at The Rap Up which saw him revisit a number of rap classics from the perspective of a young fan. He’s now penned a response of sorts.
No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Changing of the Guard
Has anti-social rap moved to the mid west? No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Changing of the Guard
No Country For Old (Rap) Men: An Apology To Diddy
Let Puffy Down. No Country For Old (Rap) Men: An Apology To Diddy