If you’ve ever had the misfortune of having to sit through Breakdance 2: Electric Boogaloo, Rappin’ or even Posse, then get ready for more cinematic horrors in the not-too-distant future. Yeah, you guessed it – they started shooting the effin’ Biggie Smalls movie. After holding a nation-wide audition for the lead, the producers (I’m assuming…
Category: The Unkut Opinion
Hipster Rap Fans Catch Feelings
Looks like there are some hurt feelings out there. Some humorless prick over at The Chicago Reader attempted to lick some proverbial shots back at ya boy after I shat on his hometown heroes. “Don’t Hate Them Because They’re Hip” The hack that put this piece together makes several incorrect assumptions – primarily that I…
Rappers Can’t Blog
It’s fair to say that the internets have not been kind to rappers. While DJ’s and producers have been able to use the new avenues to their advantage, most MC’s just end-up playing themselves when they get online. It all started with message boards, where ‘underground’ rap dudes trying to kill time until Fat Beats…
The Search For The Biggest Douchebag In Hipster Rap
Who’s to blame for this unfortunate development? NERD made looking gay and yelling “ironic” lyrics hot for a minute, while Missy Elliott made shitty rapping over 808’s all the rage, before Kanye ‘Liberache’ West made fruity sunglasses blow-up…combine them together and you’ve got “Party Rocking”. Let’s take A-Trak‘s description of The Cool Kids when I…
Nas Sharks NYOIL?
If you caught NYOIL‘s “What Up My Wigger Wigga” last year you might catch some major deja vu when you heard the hook of Nas‘ new song yesterday. A case of straight chomping or great minds thinking alike? Unkut Dot Com asked NYOIL to speak his piece on the topic: Nas is that nigga! Yeah…
Attention: Hip-Hop Is Not A Woman
There have been so many shitty trends over the course of hip-hop’s relatively brief life-span that it’s tough to pin-point the worst. Novelty dances named after comedians? The Roxanne wars? Weed songs? Love ballads? Tracks titles including the words “Represent: or “Keep It Real”? Nah, it has to be that tired old “Hip-hop music =…
Who Killed Fat Rap?
You may not have noticed, but there seems to be some kind of conspiracy to eliminate the “big-boned” rap star. It’s bad enough that the fast food spots are slinging salad in an attempt to halt the Subway juggernaut, but now fat rappers seem to have gone the way of the laser disc. Was it…