‘You wot, mate?!’ In the spirit of eighties Answer Rap, here’s my list of alternative’s to the Martinator’s 80’s Rap 101 list. I’ve stuck to his original list of artist’s (except for a few who only had one record…or one good record) and presented an alternative to each to demonstrate just how great the best…
Category: Face Off
Face-Off: Grandmaster Caz vs. Biz Markie – A Thing Named Kim
Biz Markie apparently makes up all his rhymes on the spot in the studio and then learns them later – except for when he gets his pals to write songs for him. Big Daddy Kane wrote the first side of Goin’ Off, as was clearly stated on the back cover (therefore not a case of…
The Science: What Is The GOAT Rap Beer?
Ever wondered what the most popular beer in rap is? For scientific purposes, I assigned my crack team of weed carriers to compile the drinking habits of 76 78 rapper dudes based on lyrics from actual tracks (and ignoring the dozens of paid St. Ides advertisements) to establish which brand is the undisputed king of…
Timeless Classics Or Only Classics For Their Time?
Every now and then, one of these rap websites puts together a list along the lines of “The 30 Greatest Hip-Hop Albums of 1993” and such, which in theory isn’t something I should have an issue with. The reason I mention it is that a decent proportion of these albums – most of which are…
Kool Keith Fires Back At Unkut?
Just noticed this comment from Lair dating back to February, where he points out, “I think Keith recorded a diss track just for you off of this article”, linking to a song that dropped a mere 12 days after I expressed my bitter disappointment at Ultramagnetic MC’s Critical Beatdown tour. While the cover image bares…
Was the 1989 NMS MC/DJ Battle Fixed?
After speaking to Uptown (of ‘Dope On Plastic’ fame) the other week, he mentioned an interesting story about his involvement in the 1989 New Music Seminar Battle For World Supremacy: Uptown: I battled for World Supremacy – that was the year that Freshco and Miz won. I made it to the semi-finals – it was…
Aaron Fuchs Responds To Funkmaster Wizard Wiz
Photo courtesy of Fat Lace. I just received this letter from the CEO of Tuff City, in response to some comments Funkmaster Wizard Wiz made about him in this interview: February 1, 2010 I’m sorry that it has taken so long, but I don’t troll the net obsessively and there were some remarks by Funkmaster…
Is ‘Exhibit C’ the ‘Time’s Up’ of 2009?
If you fux wit Blog Rap, then there’s a good chance you’re typing out shit like “Jay Elec. ‘Exhibit C’ >>>>>> ” in every comment section and Twitter feed you can access. Admittedly, he seems to be the best of the current crop of Leaders Of The N00b School rappers, but the fact that he…
Started Off Good, Ended-Up Great – Rap’s Most Improved
It’s one thing to shit on all these over-the-hill MC’s that need to put down the mic, but what about the flipside of the equation? The fact is, there are a rare breed of rapper dudes who didn’t peak on their debut and have actually developed into better lyricists over the years. Crazy talk, right?…
Eminem = Axl Rose?
Click to enlarge…pause! Quality comparison of two musical mentalists, taken from the Feb. 2003 issue of Spin.
Video: Nas Vs. Biggie – The Battle That Never Happened
Uptown tape king DJ Doo Wop threw me this exclusive blend video he made, which answers the question – What if Nas and Biggie had gone at each other on the same stage, verse for verse? Here’s how it might have gone down… [poll id=”46″]
Unkut Vs. Combat Jack: EPMD = Great, But Not The Greatest
If you have even the slightest clue about this here rap shit, then you have to acknowledge the fact that Erick and Parrish pretty much had the game in motherfuckin’ headlock with their first four albums. They brought a brand new funk to the scene with Strictly Business, delivered cutting-edge beat science on Unfinished Business…