Another Ed Piskor sure-shot. Long live the legend of Rammellzee… Brain Rot: Hip Hop Family Tree, Rammellzee and Beat Bop
Category: Art of Facts
Macklemore Ripped-Off His Haircut From A 90’s Washington Rapper
For anyone who doesn’t have pale-faced “indy” rap sensation Macklemore condemned to death by firing squad based on his musical output, this should convince you. MC Class B-Max, aka Robert Bassett Ben Saunders from The Source‘s “Unsigned Hype” winning crew Brothers Of The Same Mind can clearly be seen sporting the same “funkee” hair-do as…
No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Aubrey Graham > Drake
My second post about Drake for the week, because he’s an easy target and I lack the imagination to clown anybody else at this particular point in my life. No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Aubrey Graham > Drake
No Country For Old (Rap) Men: You Win This Round, Miller!
The week Teen Wolf won. No Country For Old (Rap) Men: You Win This Round, Miller!
Nothing Sweet About Sugar Hill Tax Evasion
Those pesky Robinson’s are up to their own tricks, this time on some tax fraud business from all those royalties they stole from Flash and ’em. Sugar Hill Records’ tax issues latest chapter in Englewood hip-hop family’s rocky history
Unkut TV: Episode 5 – J. Force’s Guide To Hidden Rock Song Messages
J. Force runs through four examples of hidden messages that can only be revealed when you play these records backwards, featuring songs from The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Queen.
Dante Ross Responds To The Uptown Interview
Since he was the topic of much of the Uptown interview posted yesterday, it’s only right that Dante Ross should be able to give us his version of events. This is what he just left in the comment section for those of you who already read the piece: Ok now there’s a lot of inaccuracies…
New Rap Tapes Only Available For Prison Inmates
In a move that should interest those of us who grew-up with a Sony Megabass Walkman, “New York’s Inmate Superstore” Send A Package are now stocking new rap and R&B tapes, as well as two models of portable tape players (I’d go for the one with “Bass Boost”). This means that Nas’ Life Is Good,…
Microphone Mathematics: Kevin Beacham Breaks Down T La Rock’s Bust These Lyrics
Esteemed Rap Brainiac Kevin Beacham delivered this suburb breakdown of T La Rock‘s ‘Bust These Lyrics’ today, in the third part of his ‘Microphone Mathematics’ special on the Lyrical King: In terms of lyrical masterpieces, that is masterfully and undisputedly achieved with “Bust These Lyrics”. A very strong argument could be made for this being…
The Source: Decade Of Rap Charts
Click on the pics for a full-size version. This brings back some memories… these charts went in! Chuck D‘s ‘Crazy Alternative Top Hip-Hop 15’ is a winner, as are the contributions from Harry Allen, J. The Sultan and Funken-Klein (R.I.P.). Considering how young I was when this issue dropped, there were a lot of records…
Kanye Lost
Artwork: The Home Office RE: ‘Monster’ ‘Power’ [Remix]…
The Combat Jack Radio Show Will Slap Fire Out Your Ass
Not sure how I missed the debut last week, but I just caught the second episode of The Combat Jack Radio Show with Dallas Penn on PNC Radio, and I think it’s safe to say we’ve got a keeper on our hands. The Combat Jack Radio Show feat. Dallas Penn – ‘Episode 2’