This was a terrible idea… Migos vs Jameson
Category: Fudge Rap
That Shit I Don’t Like: Freestyle Fellowship – Innercity Griots
If there is one thing that really pisses me off, it’s pretentious Coffee Shop Art Rap. This album was released during the height of the “experimental” LA hip-hop movement, which gave us high-pitched whiny efforts such as The Pharcyde and The Wascals (who were just a shittier version of the former). I guess we should…
No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Aubrey Graham > Drake
My second post about Drake for the week, because he’s an easy target and I lack the imagination to clown anybody else at this particular point in my life. No Country For Old (Rap) Men: Aubrey Graham > Drake
Unkut Vs. Combat Jack: EPMD = Great, But Not The Greatest
If you have even the slightest clue about this here rap shit, then you have to acknowledge the fact that Erick and Parrish pretty much had the game in motherfuckin’ headlock with their first four albums. They brought a brand new funk to the scene with Strictly Business, delivered cutting-edge beat science on Unfinished Business…
8 Rap Pics That Make You SMH
Sure, Biz is known for his wacky stunts but…
Asher Roth’s Guide To Frat Rap
According to Rolling Stone, this Asher kid is “a spacey stoner who practices yoga and enjoys musing on politics”. The first thing that springs to mind is “hippy douchebag”, right? Sure, but he’s not the first example of Frat Rap. Come to think of it, he was never actually in a fraternity, but since Steve…
Will The Real Eric B. Please Stand Up?
Eric B – ‘U My Girl’ ^ Please kill yourself. Bonus: Eric B – ‘Rain’ video:
The Day I Fell Off
Not me, obviously. But was there a particular incident or album that made you rip all your Word Up! posters off your wall and never listen to a particular rapper ever again? For some, it was Big Daddy Kane‘s Prince of Darkness LP. For others, it was KRS-One taking out PM Dawn (if you’re one…
The Case For Hipster Rap
Veteran hip-hop writers Andrew Emery (Hip Hop Connection, Fat Lace) and Chairman Mao (ego trip, XXL Mag) have both penned intelligent articles which take a far more open-minded approach to all the the trendy tight-jeans rappers than my own five-minute, hateful rant against the smedium shirt brigade. I’ve also notices that Wikipedia now also mentions…
Video: Kidz In The Hall Respond To Unkut Dot Com Poll
So I get an email today from a guy from Underground Hip Hop dot com letting me know that the Kidz In The Hall gave Unkut a fair amount of airtime in this new video. Amusing to say the least. As I’d originally mentioned in the post, I only really included them to make up…