The drink musta got you fucked up if you prefer that “Bad And Boujee” snoozer to “Hannah Montana” or “Fight Night”.
Someone shoulda recommended “YRN” with Young Thug because that’s probably my favourite thing either of them have done because it sounds nothing like anything else in their respective catalogues.
Jabroni is the only song i really jam by them. The youngsters can have the rest.
jUst did my own check of all of their songs and found every single one to be fucking horrible.
Rob, I applaud your bravery and open mindedness to tackle such a task. Maybe if I get drunk enough, I’ll do the same with Lil Yachty…nah, hell no…
@Professor Elemental…you would have to force me at gunpoint to ever listen to these fucking trash coons…their music is absolute shit and their fame baffles the shit out of me.
I would rather have u do that Buze Bruvaz review. I finally got meself a copy of Adebisi Hat. A bit disapointed that a lot of the songs is to be found on Soundcloud. But still a pretty good year for hip hop w a new Roc Marcy lp, Cules and Show and B Bruvaz full length. Would love to see a lp version w some nice bonus tracks though
The drink musta got you fucked up if you prefer that “Bad And Boujee” snoozer to “Hannah Montana” or “Fight Night”.
Someone shoulda recommended “YRN” with Young Thug because that’s probably my favourite thing either of them have done because it sounds nothing like anything else in their respective catalogues.
Jabroni is the only song i really jam by them. The youngsters can have the rest.
jUst did my own check of all of their songs and found every single one to be fucking horrible.
Rob, I applaud your bravery and open mindedness to tackle such a task. Maybe if I get drunk enough, I’ll do the same with Lil Yachty…nah, hell no…
@Professor Elemental…you would have to force me at gunpoint to ever listen to these fucking trash coons…their music is absolute shit and their fame baffles the shit out of me.
I would rather have u do that Buze Bruvaz review. I finally got meself a copy of Adebisi Hat. A bit disapointed that a lot of the songs is to be found on Soundcloud. But still a pretty good year for hip hop w a new Roc Marcy lp, Cules and Show and B Bruvaz full length. Would love to see a lp version w some nice bonus tracks though