Here’s that monthly round-up of six tracks that slipped through the cracks of getting posted this month but still delivered that non-progressive rap feel that we appreciate around these parts. Don’t miss out on the new CRC crew necks and tees either…
Category: Best Of The Month
CRC-Approved Rap: May 2014 Edition
The latest rap-up of rap that didn’t get posted here this month because I’m too effin’ lazy but was still approved by Conservative Rap Coalition standards.
CRC-Approved Rap: April 2014 Edition
So April is over and done with, which means it’s time to look back at some of the Conservative Rap Coalition Approved raps that weren’t posted this month for whatever reason. Here are eight tracks from last month that won…
CRC-Approved Rap: March 2014 Edition
Had a request the other day for a weekly round-up of Unkut rap recommendations, but since I’m lucky if there’s one good new song every seven days, it makes more sense to turn it into a monthly round-up of Conservative Rap Coalition approved tunes.