Is that a Parliment, an American Spirit or a Newport?
Feeling confused and/or guilty that you’re not frothing at the mouth over the third RTJ album after reading gushing reviews from both well-established critics and Hipster Music Mafia interns? Fear not, for you are not alone.
Killer Mike made an album entirely produced by El-P back in 2013 titled R.A.P., which featured angry rapping and loud, abrasive music. This was met with great acclaim, but try as I might, I just couldn’t accept it into my daily rotation. This was puzzling, since I theoretically should have been over the proverbial moon over the prospect of electric guitar stabs, 808 bass drops and modern Shout Rap.
Perhaps the sticking point revolves around El-Producto’s explicitly self-aware production style, which seems to be a recipe of two parts industrial noise, one part 80s rap reference and one part ‘modern’ swing, which more often than not comes off like the product of a cynical scenester. This should come as no surprise, since El is ostensibly the poster boy for White Rap Hipsters, what with his penchant for trucker hats, ironic sunglasses and his refusal to sign with Rawkus because he wanted Company Flow to remain ‘independent as fuck!’
This isn’t really a criticism per se, as the only alternative for a ginger, rapping beat-maker in Brooklyn in the nineties was to wear enormously oversized jorts, basketball singlets and fitted caps, and the last thing the world needs is another one of those characters. I was never much of a Company Flow fan myself, but I did enjoy the ‘8 Steps To Perfection’ and ‘End To End Burners’ beats, so there’s that.
As to the alleged rebellious content of Run The Jewels, Killer Mike seems to have a good head on his shoulders and such but doesn’t offer anything particularly thought provoking other than constantly reminding everyone that the cops are basically evil and the government are a bunch of jerks. That’s better than nothing I suppose, but I was spoilt somewhat from listening to Chuck D as a kid – I appreciated the way that he could incite the listener to go a research his references in more detail, the often batshit crazy ideas of KRS-One that always got my attention regardless of whether or not I agreed (I often did) and Brother J’s focused conviction.
Since those thrilling times the output of politically-charged rap seems to have been reduced to the likes of dead prez, who proclaimed themselves as prophets of rage but only ever delivered vague catch phrases rather than any truly inspiring ideas, or the tinfoil hat wearing crowd of rappers who downloaded the ebook version of ‘Behold A Pale Horse’ and fancy themselves as enlightened by making songs about chemtrails and fluoride in tap water. Am I expecting too much?
After listening to RTJ 3 in the car, I can confirm that it’s not without its charms but I also have absolutely no desire to listen to it again. ‘Everybody Stay Calm’ and ‘Call Ticketron’ are the least musically progressive and therefore the CRC highlights by default. I appreciate the fact that it’s loud and vaguely subversive, but it’s still far too experimental and deliberately weird to ever get the official Conservative Rap Coalition stamp of approval.
I felt exactly the same way. I enjoyed aspects of the album- once. But had no desire to listen to it again. Your analysis is spot on, without being snarky or rude or aloof. They really are a case of the Emperor’s new clothes being dusted off for another bandwagon jump. Run the Jewels are a hip-hop product of these times… and I say that with all the insight and caution that might be gleamed from that statement.
maybe just another soundtrack for a new tour pleasing an edm crowd…
There’s still some political rap doing the rounds. Wise intelligent is still putting out music. As is Paris (sadly he just keeps reheating “Guerilla funk” with ever-diminishing returns). The Coup are still going and their last album was good.
I liked “Funcrusher plus” and the vibe of “The cold vein” but find pretty much everything else El P has touched to be painfully unlistenable. What severe trauma did this guy suffer to feel compelled to inflict such hellish noise on the listener? Never heard any of the RTJ projects – the sort of people/publications bigging RTJ up made me feel RTJ was something to avoid. Am I missing anything?
No, Dino. You are not.
I personally think this RTJ is kinda corny cause Killer Mike worked much better as an ATL Trap Rapper who had some content in his music. They probably wouldn’t be totally CRC approved but the Pledge Allegiance to The Grind series were dope before he started rocking with El-P.
You hit the nail on the head. People are always trying to be on the cutting edge. Too many wack artists have been put on a pedestal because they are “underground”. I remember constantly suffering through these opening acts at my favorite shows. Same fucking guys too.
While El-P has some jewels in his arsenal (Deep space 9MM comes to mind) I just can’t put RTJ in my playlist. Even after hearing about Meow the jewels and all the hipster hype it just sounds like noise to me. They have a decent message but if you don’t got beats I can’t fuck with it.
Robbie, for someone whos own music is esp. bad and lacking in conviction its a bit rich to go on the way you do about other people’s music.
you are very negative minded, pissy and bitter.
Unless its some tried and tested styles of yesteryear.
its that or you are just someone who likes trolling for the sake of it. *slow hand clap
I couldn’t put my finger on it before (since the first EP): I didn’t know if it was the production devoid of any memorable samples or loops, or El-P’s double time rapping, but I could never get fully on board.
samples and loops, samples and loops. repeat till played out
I’ve given them a few chances over the years mainly because I’m supposed to like noisy 80’s tag team brag rap but the music and El’s rapping is very hard on the ears. Doesn’t help that Mike was making incredible music for the few years prior to rtj-era
felt like on the second album they had a few songs where it all connected, but this third project sounds like it was made for call of duty and MMA fights.
“You think Baby Jesus killed Hitler just so I’d whisper? ” -El P(roducto) RTJ3
I got Phat Gordon FTW 2017 …Hahahaha Deadshot on the slander!
In Italy where I live and I am from, nowadays it seems that you have to sound odd and experimental at all costs in order to be considered dope. Most of the times this means that Hip-Hop doesn’t have to be “so Hip-Hop” to be good. RTJ is one of the main examples: everybody’s waiting for their shit to come out and they claim it’s a classic regardless. Meanwhile “conservative” Hip-Hop music is relegated as uninteresting and “nothing new”. Of course I am part of the silent few who sticks to boom bap and isn’t moved at all by that odd stuff. I owned the Funcrusher Plus original vinyl, I realized I hadn’t been listening to it for years. I played it again and yawned all along. I have sold it for a decent amount and as far as El-P goes, that’s where it ends for me.
Album bumps all the way through!!!
@bboycult: It’s Cock Piss Partridge all over again:
One of my friends texted me the other day to see if I was going to the Run The Jewels show next week in DC. From our days in college and doing hip-hop radio together, he knew I was a big Company Flow supporter and dug the early Def Jux output. My response was I am now three albums behind, and haven’t heard any of their music. I guess I’ve moved on.
I feel guilty and embarrassed for liking this album. A similar reaction I’d have for liking a Madonna album, or Justin Bieber. There’s something very annoying about these two. Maybe it’s the buddy cop movie persona they’ve adopted. Feels like something conceived in network meeting.
@Caesar: Two Pitchfolk interns came up with the idea during a particularly good vaping session which they were live streaming on Periscope.
I don’t like any of their shit. It’s all trash to me. I don’t get the hype. And in general I haven’t really liked El-P’s production in over 10 years. And for the record, I was never much of a Company Flow fan either. I also never cared for Killer Mike aside from a song or two. I do love the commercial song A.D.I.D.A.S. from 2003, but yeah.
LP >>> El-P
(+ also EZ Elpee >>> El-P)
Never forget El-P snitched on Will High and then testified against him.
OK…. Thought I’d try and see what all the fuss was about so checked out a grip of RTJ jams on youtube. Now that my ears have stopped bleeding, I wish I hadn’t. A pretentious flinging of noise and buzzwords at the wall and nothing sticks. Joyless aping of The Bomb Squad and angry garbling of vague anti-establishment posturing. CDs should come with a “some assembly required” sticker because RTJ exists more in fanboy theorising than in the music itself.
Its better than 90% of the stuff on that 40.oz 2016. But hey if everyone thought the same life would be boring. People spend way to much time complaining about music they say they don’t like instead of talking about music they do.
@chris: I take it you won’t be renewing your CRC membership then?
Only if i get a nice certificate or something:)
RTJ is ok, I always enjoy giving them a spin, and I liked a lot of what el p did with co flow, solo, weathermen and def jux. Killer mike is a decent rapper. I like that Ticketron joint a lot. But there’s 20 better albums even in a down year. the instant classic praise of whenever they fart has always baffled me. Thanks for putting this out there, Robbie.
I’d b more interested in a killer Mike blog than one of these rtj albums
I don’t listen out of loyalty, I listen if I like it. El-P and Killer Mike have an amazing ability to work well together and likewise pull the trolls out of their holes in protest or piggyback. Great album, boring review… disinformation even.
@El-P Is A Grass
“Never forget El-P snitched on Will High and then testified against him.”
The two were not involved in any criminal enterprise together, so, no snitching. Will High’s sucker-punching face ass got what he deserved.
“Its better than 90% of the stuff on that 40.oz 2016.”
Hahahahahahaaaahahaa! I’m glad you mentioned that’s strictly your opinion.
liked killer mikes early solo stuff and the RAP LP, El-P (mildly) enjoyed some of his cannibal ox stuff and end to end burners etc, but I agree there is something unmemorable about RTJ, just a bit dull and oozes self-worth.
@J-Troth: Good thing this isn’t actually a review.
El-P’s faux angry white schtick comes without reason. No different than hipsters you see dressed to the nine in ironic clothing with scowls on their faces for no reason. Very comical.
He’s like a character of a stereotype for the millennials. A contrast from Eminem, who as much as I don’t like anything after MMLP, explained why in fact he was so full of rage.
@Caesar: Maybe he’s upset about the rising price of denim jackets in Brooklyn.
Ha! You need to do a proper review track by track.
@Caesar: I’d really rather not. One listen was more than enough.
I agree !00% , but I can’t front – “NIGHTWORK” for Sir Menelik & “DEEP SPACE 9MM” were type ill…..I can’t even listen to that RTJ shit……
It’s weird how I love you sometimes Robbie but I hate you sometimes too. Like now, for instance. But whatever. You keep this old white man reading.
Thanks Robbie, I’m glad thats all been cleared up.
I’m kinda in the same place. I’ve felt that way about all the RTJ albums but what I have noticed with the prior ones is that if I’m in a certain mindframe to deal with the noisiness of it, I tend to actually enjoy it a lot. Just not a brand of tea I wish to drink regularly..
it’s taking advantage of the resurgence in electronic music, but not for the better. in terms of the composition it sounds disjointed and uninspired, like how in pop music as long you do something “weird” and it’s marginally listenable people think it’s some next level shit.
nobody bought “I’ll sleep when you’re dead”. el-p should have quit hip hop after that.
El-P still has it. He is a beast on the boards and the Mic. All the Run the Jewels albums have had some amazing beats, but let’s face it, Killer Mike is boring as hell. I wasn’t a fan before and I’m not gonna become a fan just because he’s rapping over El-P beats. But what other southern emcee would have really given someone like Jamie Meline the time of day?
Willie D?
That R.A.P album is excellent, the RTJ stuff not so much. More of a hiphop venture for people who don’t really like hiphop but want to feel down(or just loooove the “iconic” logo).
Bambu still does political hiphop best out of everyone trying these days.