[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.unkut.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CRC-Rapper-Report-Card.pdf”]
After last week’s Jadakiss impromptu grading as a rapper, I got to thinking about how other rappers might fare if I scored them using Kool Moe Dee‘s patented Rapper Report Card system. For the purposes of this test, I simply plucked a name out of mid-air and scored the first numbers that came to my mind. In situations like this, over-thinking it can lead to indecision, so I went with my immediate gut instincts. The results were quite a surprise.
It turns out that whatever traits I might appreciate in certain rappers to consider them my personal favorites don’t always translate through this scoring system. Take for example Busta Rhymes, who I certainly appreciate on a certain level yet I don’t own any of his solo releases. According to my scoring of him as a rapper, he would theoretically be placed in my Top 15 (if there was such a thing), yet he stands alongside Jay-Z as my least listened to out of this list. Meanwhile, personal favorites such as Kool G Rap and Tragedy scored a lot lower than I would have predicted.
According to the pure mathematics of this chart, Chuck D from Public Enemy is the greatest rapper to have ever lived, yet I’m sure even Chuck himself wouldn’t rate his own talents above some of the lyrical legends listed. Perhaps the problem lies in the categories themselves, which a cynical mind might declare were fixed from the start to give Moe Dee the upper hand against his peers. That being said, I can’t be bothered devising a completely new system right now so we’re going to have to work with what we’ve got.
I don’t expect anyone to agree with these scores – in fact, it would be worrying if you did – but it’s certainly an interesting exercise and one that I that I enjoyed carrying out in much the same way that the elderly enjoy crossword puzzles on a Sunday morning. Feel free to suggest your own scores for those listed or suggest other MCs you’d like to read my take on in the future.
@Robbie. Chuck D is the only ‘rapper’ I never tire of hearing. No B.S. The term rapper doesn’t quite sound enough for Chuck.
@Dick Slipmat I know plenty of Black Thought rhymes (mostly from Illadelph & TFA).
I think Biggie is the most overrated rapper of all-time (and I’m a NY’er saying this). His first album was just “eh” compared lyrically/beatwise with other East Coast bangers of the era (Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, The Infamous, and DEFINITELY OB4CL). His 2nd I would consider a MASTERPIECE (next to Wu-Tang Forever, the only other double album that I can rock front to back). But what’s after that??……Nothing.
The Born Again album is scraps, and The Duets LP is a downright travesty. I get it, he had potential. He’s gone too soon…but 2 very good albums shouldn’t be all there is for you to be considered GOAT material (WTF, Ghostface has at least 3 great albums IMO but he’s never in the GOAT discussion). For me, it’s the ups AND downs you face as an artist. The perseverance to succeed when you’re counted out (Stillmatic, Mama Said Knock You Out, Get Rich or Die Trying) and the ability to still deliver a great product even when the competition is dropping doo doo (Life is Good, Twelve Reasons To Die, etc). Biggie has none of that. Was he ill, yes. Would he have gotten better, more than likely. Great….I need a few missteps, and triumphs before making that determination.
@Robbie – no Ice T? Q-Tip? Redman? no Wu members? Slick Rick? Guru? Masta Ace?
or (coughs)
P Diddy?
GNG, you have to be very careful when discussing dead rappers online. A lot of people have grown up or just accepted what is told to them – eg ‘rapper x was the greatest ever’. Even in real life for instance, if somebody only owns Tupac cds, as much as I like some of his tracks, it is pointless to discuss rap or art with them. This mind sound crazy, but it’s to preserve sanity. The web is full of these types of fans.
@silent minority – no disrespect to you intended but I doubt any like you speak of grace these pages, otherwise they would know right?
@silent minority
Yeah man, it’s sad. I watched a recent Nore interview & he said it’s so cliche to say BIG & Pac are the greatest.
It’s almost like people feel your dissing them, if you say they were dope, but gone too soon. I saw the same thing with Pac. When he died he instantly became “great”. I’ll admit, Pac in my Top 10 (not 5), but that was after MANY posthumous albums were released and I saw the depth in his catalog, the versatility in his topics, and how strong his influence is/was (lyrically he’s probably the weakest link in my Top 10). Big probably makes my Top 20 or 25.
SeanG, ‘any like you speak of grace these pages’, sorry that went over my head. Did I come across as an elitest or a snob? I didn’t to or to offend.
Oh sorry I reread that just now, nah when you ‘insult’ certain fanbases they can appear like the Candyman, anywhere. If you have the bad luck to scan newpaper articles and come across comments, you’ll see right wingers flood liberal pages.
nah yall wrong, A.G is the man, he keeps it on a constant elevation, from them late 80’/early 90’s thru them DITC/dirty ghetto dwellas days to them full grown ass/all balance/conscious more than eva days… whatever Robbie, I always got mad luv for Trag, G Rap and all of them listed here but from a truly objective point of view, this man, he the killa and should be on the top of the list… and sorry Ka’shit is boring but its all v ery subjective.
peace D
I definitely need to do another card for everyone I forgot the first time around like Guru, AG and Redman.
pharoahe monch, mister voodoo/ne, kool keith, akinyele …
It will always come down to opinion. No matter who makes a report card or greatest list. Bottom line is the best no matter what number order they fall in all should just get respect/props for their contributions and never be forgotten or over shadowed by lesser artists. It’s up to us keep their legacies going by doing things like these interviews and compilations. So props to Robbie for that and big ups to all who make their comments by bringing up some forgotten heroes. PS…. IMO Chuck D lost some props with me only in the writing department when he started accepting writers for his later discography. “Paris” (who is dope by the way).
Where did Chuck D’s ‘Rappers who make me say damn’ lists get printed? In the 90s, he had some very odd choices. Personal opinion and all that, but whenever a new generation starts getting popular the last gen always pick odd choices. Chuck is the man though, I would never take a dig at him. All people are fallible humans though. Have to include disclaimers on comments now.
@silent minority. It was ten emcee’s that make me say damn from the book Fight the Power.
Suffices to say not all have lived up to his hype.
Thanks SeanG, I’d like to see that list now… Didn’t Chuck think 2Pac faked his death, back then?
As much as I love what KA is doing lets replace him for AG. As follows.
Vocab – 8
Articulation – 10
Creativity – 9
Versatility – 8
Voice – 10
Record – 10
Stage Presence – 10
Sticking to Themes – 10
Innovation – 9
For me Voice, Creativity, Stage presence and sticking to the script are keys here. Dudes a fucking beast.
@donaleski I just seen your comment. 100%
For me Slick Rick is the greatest ever, he’s gotta be close to 100 using this grading method. I would imagine that’s why Moe Dee left him off the original report card.
Still no love for Reggie, huh? Roc Marci should’ve had a higher grade. And Im sorry but who listens to Melle Mel in 2015?
@mike h “who listens to Melle Mel in 2015”
*raises hand*
I understand what you mean, but I have Mel in my Top 5 outta 10 (admittedly with a huge bias). I got to see Mel rock at park jams. Mel’s voice (IMO) has always been a 10. Crystal clear, yet strong (ERRRAHHH!!). His obvious shortcoming is not enough recorded long-play material. Melle Mel IS an MC. I’ll put “Beat Street Breakdown” up against ANYTHING from today’s most popular rappers. Never sleep on him or (especially) Caz. They may not have released a record in 20+ years, but their MC skills never diminished.
The three greatest rappers of all time are Ice T.
@ GNG – totally agree – Melle Mel is for sure a great. straight up no nonsense rocking MC
The Message has got to be the epitome of rap??
@Robbie – got me thinking and I’ve emailed you enough recently…..
A Salute to the ZULU Nation and affiliates???
Nas at an 88 and KA at an 89. Matter fact, Nas should be in the high 90’s. Nas got an 8 for innovating rhymes? Hahahahaha…..and 9’s for creativity and articulation? Hahahahahah…FOH.