DJ Kenny Parker sez:
Off the Practice Tapes album. Krs-One free styling & practicing an early draft of a song meant for the Return Of The Boom Bap LP.
DJ Kenny Parker sez:
Off the Practice Tapes album. Krs-One free styling & practicing an early draft of a song meant for the Return Of The Boom Bap LP.
This just made my day
Yeah, I likes, I likes.
Damn, this shit is fuckin DOPE!! There’s gonna be a “Practice Tapes” album???
Btw, Robbie, when are you gonna stop bein a fgt and let me follow you on Twitter??? Why did you ever block me in the first place? smfh
KRS Fresh
@Wicked: You must have written some extra retarded shit on there. Don’t remember blocking you though, I usually just mute people.
A Practice session album is the most exciting thing I’ve heard in a while.
@Robbie Yeah I don’t know, it’s been a couple of years. Thanks for unblocking me though. haha
@Robbie Also, what do you know about this “Practice Tapes” album???
damn, wicked. start acting like a man. begging to be a follower on twitter – that’s a real fag move.
@kayemmpee The fuck is wrong with wantin to follow Unkut on Twitter, br0?! FUCKOUTTAHERE!!