First there was The Search For TJ Swan, followed by the Tribute and eventually this:
tj swan is my father…i mean sperm doner..he fell off and is gonna stay off..he doesnt take care of his daughter’s (he has 3) i am his 1st daughter n i want evryone to know he’s a liar and a loser and I don’t respect him.
Comment by nicole grant (tj swan’s oldest daughter) 09.01.05
A year later, the ‘payback’…
hi i am the real nicole i don’t know who this fake chick is but she is not my father’s kid nor is she me!my dad is a hiphop legend and i am proud of him he don’t smoke,gamble,don;t do drugs and never been in jail how many rappers can say that!my father left the business at the top of his game and he’s still balling!if u ever see this i love u dad aka tjswan your daughter nicole.
oh yea that fake nicole is probably some chick my dad dumped u groupie bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by the real nicole 11.16.06
WTF was that all about? Anyhoo…a glance at Swan’s Myspace offered these insights:
Tjswan the Flyest of the fly the young ladies went crazy when swan would stroll up on the stage and did his sexy pumps u had to be their ladies.
1997 thru 2005 swan worked in hollywood as a writer for sitcoms,manage rap artist,artist developement and went back to college to get is bachelor degree-music business.(by the way check out the vapors video,left me lonely video,and just a freind video tjswan was no doubt the first baller,the brother hads is real house,the real brand spanking new jaguar xj6,the yacht,taking bizmarkie&mc shan girls,the silk suites bally boots come ya’ll give that dude his props those are the facts in hiphop history.
Turns out that his unreleased album was called Have No Fear Swan Is Here, and the first single was leaked on Tim Westwood‘s Capital 1 Rap Show way back when, according to this email from marc seven:
Perhaps the TJ Swan topic is done, but going back through my old tapes I found a radio play of ‘Break it down’/’Mellow love’ or what ever it was called, never seen it posted anywhere or even talked about anywhere but on Unkut. Frankly it is much worse than i remembered and i feel a little disappointed.
It’s still better than anything that Usher has ever done…
TJ Swan – ‘Mellow Love’ [unreleased]
*Removed by request*
If only autotune existed in 1989.
The beat sounds hot for that time (new jack swingish); his voice sounds like al b sure, but in all its good to hear that he made a good life for himself after rap unlike some other artist. I feel bad whenever I would come across yesteryears hottest rappers poppin Mo’ in past videos to seeing them today living mediocre lives, you see it a lot in NYC. That’s why I got to lot of respect for Sean Price when he came out with the brokest rapper you’ll ever now, cuz I used to see that cat in the streets all the time…didn’t mean to go off the deep end, but good article.
It’s still better than anything that Usher has ever done…
Wow, that album title is corny as fuck, glad he didn’t put that out.
this is horrible…its just him singing over doo doo…lol…literally
Sounds like Green Gartside from Scritti Politti on this joint.
Always was iffy on tj swann..First time I remember him was on “nobody beats the biz” and that was cool because biz was comedy in a dope way.But c’mon TJ SWANN is a horrible singer no matter what decade.I wish I had never heard this single hahaha but I do agree with Son about TJ SWANN being better than usher.
yeah this was kinda booty…I was expecting dopeness…but he woulda done ok if it had come out..hell Rhianna is selling records these days, why not??
i’d take this any day of the week over any bullshit t-pain track
wow son, you act like the T Pain raped your family in a basement, Fritzl style.
Someone else remembered this..
Damn, I have to say it. TJ Swann couldn’t sing for shit!!! I don’t get it, his parts on the Biz songs and the Shan Joint were all so timeless. I remember thinking how dope a TJ Swann would be, I’m kinda glad it never came out after hearing this one. Maybe the beats would have been dope, I was kinda feeling this beat…maybe the falsetto coos at the end worked, but main verses?? EPIC FAIL!!
Dee El sends
As bad as this song is, it’s better than the bullshit streaming on his myspace page.
sorry if i upset the t-pain fanboy lol
This track is terrible / super good.
Thanks Marc Seven and thanks Rob.
Oh shit I just got to the outro wail it’s SO BAD!
Made my day.
beat & chorus kinda hot, his actual voice & the verse?
Remember Autotunes was always in effect and would have fixed this, but you cannot front and say TJ Swan was the original hook king, Nate Dog and T Pain, TJ Swan is Legend
ummm everybody keeps talking about some beat in this song…its the doo doo by biz….am i the only one who hears this? its like en vogue having a hit with hold on and then with lies…same song
Sounds a little like Steve Arrington.. Overall I’ll like it.
lol… come on now Rob… you gotta be kidding me.
‘Confessions’ album >>>>>>>>>>>> this.
I love old school hip-hop and New Jack Swing as much as (and possibly more than) the next man, but this sucks.
First off u should be very disappointed trying to pass this bullshit off as a lost tjswan song!!! This was a practice session.Swan wrote and sang the song to get a feel for it. Real writers know what I’m talking about.We all have songs lying around unfinished this is that song.This junk should have never seen the light of day,and swan would tell u that himself.No worry’s Swan owns the rights to all of his unreleased material as well as several catalogs. OFFICIAL SONGS FROM HAVE NO FEAR will b released next year,Celebrating 25years in the game, u can judge then.(two the haters it’s obvious to me u have never heard swan sing (besides the juice crew classic)for real. if u want to here the real song!!!! hit me up.Sounds nothing like this garbage.Its a insult I APOLOGIZE TO ALL SWAN FANS.if you r going leak out tjswan music make Sure its not practice material!!!WE WANT TO HERE THE REAL SONGS THEN WE WILL JUDGE. J.SNIPES
Damn. I wanted to hear that jawn again!
yo lookin at this again, don’t TJ Swann in this pic resemble RZA a little?
Yo, TJ is on the way back!
Damn right he is!!!!
Let’s pick out the comments Swan himself wrote.
Dang I look like him. Swann if you see this I am sure you heard by now that I am looking for you . I’m a product of the one night stand you had in 84 . I am aware that you never knew about me so I really wasn’t mad about you not being in my life. I been looking for my biological father for years and that’s when I took Ancestry DNA . That dna test linked me to your family on both your mom and dad side. Not to mention with your first born Nicole Grant . I got all my receipts so although she blocked me dna don’t lie. I tried contacting you privately when I found all this out last year and sent certified mail with my info to your sister house and your P.O. Box . So now I’m here ! So are we going to do this dna test ? I heard you were contacted about me reaching out , so you can’t ignore the fact that you got a 39 year old daughter. Yes this mean you had a baby on the way when you met my mom since me and Nicole are 9mos apart.
Damn! J. Snipes u still out there? Please post that Unreleased Album from Swann. It’s only right now after his passing…