“These kids don’t appreciate music from last week, let alone ten years ago!” This is something that a lot of people – artists in particular – like to complain about. It’s a valid point though. Any mention of ‘older rappers’ in the media draws the inevitable comparisons with the Rolling Stones, who continue to tour…
Category: Leaders Of The N00b School
The Rap Names That Jay Electronica Rejected
It’s amazing what you can find when you hack someone’s Gmail account. This just arrived in my inbox thanks to an anonymous tipster – the rap handles that didn’t make the final cut for the worst-named n00b-School rapper ever (who, ironically, is one of the better trendy new rappers out there): 1. Joe Garage 2….
Is ‘Exhibit C’ the ‘Time’s Up’ of 2009?
If you fux wit Blog Rap, then there’s a good chance you’re typing out shit like “Jay Elec. ‘Exhibit C’ >>>>>> ” in every comment section and Twitter feed you can access. Admittedly, he seems to be the best of the current crop of Leaders Of The N00b School rappers, but the fact that he…