The introductions to rap albums have traditionally been the arena of poorly-executed impersonations of Al Pacino movies or just general shit talking. These eighteen examples, however, feature intros where actual rapping has been utilized to make them worthwhile. Good job, everybody! Download: A Salute To Rapping Intros [re-upped]
Category: Compilations
Download: A Salute To Story Raps, Volume One
The only conditions for this are that the story is fictional (which eliminates classics such as ‘Ever So Clear’) and that it’s one consistent narrative (which means that ‘Vapors’ isn’t eligible). This first volume is a mixture of obvious standards, unorthodox yet brilliant narratives and straight forward tales. Download: A Salute To Story Raps, Volume…
Download: A Salute To Scaramanga
Sir Menalik aka Cyclops 4000 aka Scaramanga aka Jabbar El aka Chewbacca Uncircumcised first made a name for himself reading out technical manuals on Dr. Octagon, but it was his Scaramanga material that really made an impression on CRC-minded rap fans as he delivered wordy jiggnorance over outstanding beats. Both versions of ‘Mind I.C. Mine’…
Download: A Salute To Godfather Don
Eighteen stellar moments from Godfather Donnie Brasco, who demonstrated fairly distinct styles throughout his numerous creative periods. From his ‘fast rapping’ techniques from the Hazardous LP to his experimental demo period through to his ‘singles’ phase at Hydra Entertainment (which I consider to be his peak), he then began to channel a slightly ‘jiggy’ street…
Download: A Salute To DJ Pooh Productions
‘Yo, Pooh, man, what you build in there, man?’ ‘Ah, one of those hypso-change-o-calypso-beat-a-matics.’ Download: A Salute To DJ Pooh Productions
Download: A Salute To Sir Jinx Productions
Sir Jinx came a long way since his role in a second-rate Beastie Boys karaoke group. Here are sixteen of his finest moments behind the boards. Download: A Salute To Sir Jinx Productions [re-upped]
Download: A Salute To Grand Daddy I.U.
The Strong Island legend still puts it down to this day. Here are my sixteen favourite I Dot U Dot songs as of today. Download: A Salute To Grand Daddy I.U. [re-upped]
Download: A Salute To Just-Ice
Finishing up Just-Ice Week with fifteen choice cuts from the man who can ‘bench press anything.’ Download: A Salute To Just-Ice
Download: A Salute To Songs About Chicks, Man
The only tradition more ingrained into hip-hop than Brag Rap is, of course, Songs About Chicks Rap. These ditties take on many forms, from cautionary tales about the local skeezer, tributes to the one’s who got away or just a general celebration of a particularly enthusiastic groupie. Please note: both ‘Bonita Applebum’ and ‘Roxanne, Roxanne’…
Download: A Salute To Story Rap Deep Cuts
Following the huge response to the question ‘What is the greatest story rap ever?’ it’s become clear that there was no way that one compilation could do the genre justice, so for starters here are some lesser known but still (largely) recognized tales about sumptuous stunts, trips to the bing and tearing the heads off…
Download: A Tribute To David Bowie Raps
With the surprise passing of David Bowie aka The OG Rappin’ Duke, I thought I’d assemble some notable rap tracks that drank from his expansive musical well. Disappointingly, it seems that only ‘Fame’ and ‘Let’s Dance’ got any sample love outside of the infamous riff from ‘Under Pressure’ with Queen, which means that this is…
Download: A Salute To Pumpkin
Here’s a soundtrack to yesterday’s interview, presented in approximately chronological order. Download: A Salute To Pumpkin