I guess these Canadian lads didn’t have a subscription to The Source magazine in 1992. Pity the fool who copped 64 Crayons by mail-order and expected some prime D.I.T.C. music to appear on their door step.
To add to the confusion, it seems that Finesse & Showbiz is the name of the group – not the rapper dudes. Apparently, they operated under the WWF style handles of Pete Rumble and Rick Threat!
Here’s a little sample of the kind of positive vibes that 64 Crayons had to offer listeners:
Things improve with ‘Soup Of the Day’ thanks to the ‘School Boy Crush’ loop and ‘Humpty Dance’ drums, but it’s not exactly ‘Fat Pockets’ is it? From there, the crew explored hip-house and techno during their twelve month reign of terror of the Vancouver airwaves before vanishing into the woods forever…or opening an art supplies wholesaler I guess?
They look like the definition of try hards but I do kinda like that jacket the dude all the way on the bottom is wearing in the second pic.
One of the comments on the video: “I remember when Rick would rip it up at T.A.C.C”
Not sure what the T.A.C.C is but Rick ran shit in there